Small groups

Join a Small Group

We believe Small Groups are important for growing closer to God and each other. If you are on the edge of joining one, we fully encourage you to take that step.  Christian community is such a blessing and huge part of who we are here at LifePointe. Sign up here to find where you belong.

Be a Small Group Leader

Feeling called to lead a small group? Small Groups launch every Fall and Spring!

Small Groups

The Forge (Men's Ministry)

Meets: Monday nights @6pm.
Location: LifePointe Sanctuary
Study: The Quest for Authentic Manhood.

Sisters in Grace Study
(Women's Ministry)

Meets: September 11th & 25th, October 9th & 23rd, November 6th & 20th @ 5:30pm
Location: Kids Inc.
Contact: Elizabeth Rawles at

Unum Veritas- One Truth (Young Adults)

Meets: Sundays @ 3pm
Location: LifePointe
Leader: Alex Freeburger
Age Group: (18-20's)
Topic: Apologetics

Tall Oaks

Meets: Sundays @5:30pm
Location: Sedalia
Leaders: Matt & Danielle Bourbina
Contact: (913) 787-2584

Kingdom Study

Meets: Tuesdays @ 6pm
Location: LifePointe
Leader: Brandon Stoner
Contact: (913) 731-6335
Topic: Book Study

Journey of Faith 

Meets: Thursdays @ 6:30
Location: LifePointe
Leader: Jani Kempf
Contact: (660) 221-4390
Topic: Thriving in Babylon

Traveller's Guide Through the End of this Age

Meets: Fridays @6:30pm-7:30pm
Location: LifePointe
Leaders: Joe & Viv Colgan
Topic: Traveller's Guide Through the End of this Age"
Contact: (712) 828-1323

Gals of Promise

Meets: 1st Thursday of every month @9am
Location: LifePointe
Leader: Mary Boatright-Pace

Cole Camp Small Group

Meets: Sundays 5pm-7pm
Location: 303 E. Main St. in Cole Camp
Leaders: Andrea Calhoun
Topic: Esther